Sunday, November 8, 2009

A GREAT weekend!!!!

I took off work at 4 o'clock on Thursday and took Friday off too. Alan and I met up with his friends Ray and Mary Thursday and headed to Huntington for the REO Speedwagon/Styx/Night Ranger concert. It was awesome!! The show was awesome and it was awesome that I met four of Alans friends for the very first time. :-) Well Ray I had met and said hi to, but I'd never officially met him. I am so happy that Alan is finally letting me into his life a little more. Yayy!! I love him!

What makes me the happiest is that he's even talking about Christmas with his family. Those of you who read and don't know him, this is a HUGE step for Alan. It's been really hard for me to let him into my life, to trust him, becuase of past relationships, but I am so glad that I did. He has become my everything. Ah, it feels good to be in love again and to know that I am truly cared for too. <3

Alan won free tickets to a wrestling show on Friday so we went to that but didn't stay for the show. LOL. He wanted to stay for the meet and greet and get some pictures autographed so once he did that he was happy. From there we went to Wal-Mart, then came home. I made pizza we ate, watched tv, cuddled, and crashed shortly after. Oh he stopped by his buddy Steve's to pick up a movie too. Steve was sleeping before work time so Alan just quietly went in to get the movie, but not quiet enough. Steve thought somebody was snooping around his house. Hehee. :-)

Saturday we watched the WVU game, went out for some shopping, and we ran into Alan's dad. So yes I got to meet him for the first time this weekend too. :-) It was a quick meet, but Alan introduced us at least. :-) I can't wait to meet his family and spend more time with them. Saturday night we watched movies....GI Joe and The Haunting of Winchester. Both were ok.

Today I've been cleaning the apartment and scrapbooking. Alan should be on his way down in a bit and I'm cooking tacos for dinner for us. Yummy! We are going to get some photos printed from the concert, some pictures I took at work, some pics from our Virginia trip, and some pictures of us. I need plenty to do when he goes out of town for work later this week. I'll miss him like crazy! But hopefully this trip is only for a few days and he'll be home by the weekend.

That's all for now. I will share pictures soon.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds as if you are having a great time - long may it continue.
